

Q.  What makes Nepali teas unique?

A. Teas from Nepal, like Darjeeling teas, are delicate and flavorful.  Steeped correctly, they are fresh, aromatic and sweet.  Unlike the black teas from other parts of the world, which are dark in color and can easily become bitter, our teas are light in color, fresh and delicious.  Many tea experts believe that teas from Nepal are even better than teas from Darjeeling, which borders the tea growing areas of eastern Nepal.

Q.  Why haven’t teas from Nepal been widely available in the U.S.?

A.   A few specialty tea purveyors in the U.S. offer a limited range of tea from Nepal.  With more Nepalese farmers growing orthodox tea, improvements in the tea infrastructure and the interest of our Nepal partners in exporting tea to U.S., the time is right to introduce these exceptional teas to tea drinkers here. 

Q.  What is the difference between black tea, green tea, oolongs and white tea?

A. All of these teas come from the same plant – the Camellia sinensis. The differences among teas are based on what part of the plant is picked and how the tea is oxidized after it is picked.  White and green teas are picked and immediately fired or steamed to stop the oxidization process.  These teas maintain all of their healthful antioxidants. Oolongs are oxidized for a short time, producing a tea that is richer and more complex and maintains many health benefits.  Black teas are fully oxidized, producing a lovely golden or amber tea that is invigorating and flavorful. 

Q.  What is Masala tea?

A.  Masala tea is a black tea with authentic Nepali spices added.  It is a light-bodied, refreshing tea that can be enjoyed without the addition of milk or sugar.

Q.  Are your teas organic?

A.  All of our teas are either natural (grown chemically-free) or certified organic.

Q.  Do you offer herbal or decaffeinated teas?

A.  Right now, we do not offer herbal “teas” or tisanes, which are non-caffeinated infusions of herbal plants and spices.  We do offer teas that are blended with spices and flavors.  We do not offer decaffeinated teas either.  Our white teas are very low in caffeine, light and delicious – and many people enjoy them all day long and into the evening.  Green teas are also quite low in caffeine.

Q.  What are “flushes”?

A.  Flushes are growing seasons.  In Nepal, there are four flushes, which produce teas with different characteristics.  Nepali Tea Traders offer the best teas from each of the seasonal flushes. 

Q.  When I was in Nepal, I had tea.  Is the tea that you offer similar to the tea I had there?

A. The vast majority of the tea produced for everyday domestic consumption in Nepal is CTC (crush, tear, curl) tea harvested by machine, not by hand like our fine, orthodox teas.  In Nepal, CTC teas are most often consumed with milk and sugar.  Nepal’s high-quality tea, known as orthodox tea, has historically been exported to India and several other Asian and European countries.  Some of the people we have met in Nepal have never consumed these premium teas.  At Nepali Tea Traders, our objective is to introduce Nepal’s outstanding orthodox teas to tea drinkers in North America.

Q.  Do you offer iced teas?

A.  All of our teas can be enjoyed hot or iced.  For iced teas, we generally recommend doubling the amount of tea per 8 oz. of water, brew the tea within the recommended time frames, chill to room temperature and serve over ice. 

Q.  How did you select the Nepal Youth Foundation as your charity of choice?

A.  We evaluated a number of worthwhile charities and selected the Nepal Youth Foundation for their excellent track record in providing healthcare, education, and social service to children and youth in Nepal. We were impressed with NYF's 20 years of service and with its eighth consecutive year four-star rating from Charity Navigator for efficient use of donations.  A visit to the agency during a recent trip to Nepal solidified our decision.  Read more